Agroecología y agricultura como forma de vida


  • Marìa Virginia González-Santiago Universidad Autónoma Chapingo México


Agroecology and agriculture like stile of life Agroecologist have studied the ancient knowledge in agriculture topics and the local knowledge that peasant have and practice for a log time. This essay concerns to the appropriation process between peasant communities. Agroecological technologies innovation is important as the appropriation process does. To complete the appropriation is necessary that the peasant accept the new technology from a symbolic and practical point of view. KEY-WORDS: local knowlwdgw, culture, technological appropriation

Biografia do Autor

  • Marìa Virginia González-Santiago, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo México
    Profesora-investigadora en el Departamento de Agroecologia, especialista en el área de cultura y agroecología.


